Recent content by Kote_Kote

  1. Ask a simple question, get a simple answer - mark 18 (READ THE OP)

    I guess I got (un)lucky with ten armor fossils in a row. Thanks.
  2. Ask a simple question, get a simple answer - mark 18 (READ THE OP)

    Is the skull fossil and the armor fossil both available in Platinum?
  3. They call me Dr. Love...

    So, before my girlfriend and I were dating, she was considering two other guys but never really anything serious. I'm fine with this. It's whatever. The thing that does bother me is that we've been dating for over six months and to the other two guys, she refers to me as her friend. This...
  4. HGSS Megaspeculation Thread

    Oh god, please let that be a feature that you can shut off if it annoys you. That was one thing that annoyed me about Yellow.
  5. Tattoos.

    I want to get "This night has opened my eyes" either in tattoo or scarification but I don't know where :/ I also want it to say "STAR FUCKER" on my hips. It's a reference to some of my favorite bands, but it will look like such a douchey tattoo to anyone who doesn't know the bands super well.
  6. Ask a simple question, get a simple answer - mark 18 (READ THE OP)

    I'd personally go with special attack, but that's me.
  7. Homosexuality

    Seriously, your logic is so twisted, there is nowhere to go except to just let you go. EDIT: I just remembered that you're talking about this on a competitive pokemon community. You officially have no right to say
  8. HGSS Megaspeculation Thread

    I don't think they'll announce two Nintendo Snap remakes, but it would be fun if they make a wario ware style DS game where it has stuff like Pokemon Snap, Hey You, Pikachu! and Pokemon Pinball all on one cart.
  9. Homosexuality

    One thing that really annoys me is when people put interest in fashion, or anything of the like as a gay stereotype. I work in the fashion industry as a shoe buyer for a (kind of) high fashion online store. I am one of 25 people in this office. I am one of eleven males. I am one of nine...
  10. Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 coming to PS3 and 360

    I really liked how smooth the joystick was on the controller for Dreamcast. If something was like... five thousand directions that had some form of progression, you could just use the stick there and make a few circles and pwn your friends.
  11. Time Magazine's most influential person is...

    Back in 2005 to early 2007, it wasn't overrun with retards invading other sub boards every five minutes, /b/ was funny at times and /v/ actually had intelligent conversation, as did /x/
  12. Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 coming to PS3 and 360

    I'd still prefer to play it on my Dreamcast. In my mind that controller was MADE for fighters.
  13. Calling Creative Minds!

    It needs more red. Red triggers hunger.
  14. Time Magazine's most influential person is...

    I think it's a but late for him to be the most influential, particularly over the internet. Many members of 4chan are too new or stupid to know who Moot even is at this point. Back in 2007? This would be more relevant. Today Moot stays in the background and watches shit unfold as his friends...
  15. Ask a simple question, get a simple answer - mark 18 (READ THE OP)

    Breeding with pikachu, Raichu, Clefairy, Clefable, Jigglypuff, Wigglytuff, Skitty or Delcatty.