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  • hey, we are opponents in the ADV winter seasonal
    when do you like to play?
    in the week i can play my evenings 7 pm to 11 pm in the weekend i can make more time. im gmt+1
    Hi, when ADV ssnl ?
    im gmt-4, can usually go after 5pm on work days, can sometimes work it it during the day as well. Hmu on discord Lambo#5106
    hey man, we play for the gsc thing. My timezone is GMT-4, times I should be available at are weekdays after 5pm and weekends after 9am (preferably not later than 8 or 9pm though, just in case it drags on).
    cool, similar availability, my discord is Lambo#5106 feel free to just ping me on there and we can go some night this week
    Hey man, i never got the add or anything on discord, when can you go?
    was a bit busy the last few days, my b. Just sent a friend request.
    uu open when play gmt +5.5 mostly active on my nights
    add me on discord Lambo#5106 , im gmt-4 and can usually play 5-1030pm on weekdays or find time on weekend
    Yo, we play for DPP Global, i can play tomorrow in my 23hs or weekend
    GMT -3
    Gmt-4, add me on discord Lambo#5106, weeknights or weekend usually free
    SM global, would like to get it done today if you can, otherwise asap i am gmt+3
    im gmt-4, i can usually play from 5-1030pm my time or we can go weekend if thats too late for you, hmu on discord Lambo#5106
    Yo, we play for oras ou global championship, im gmt-4 free 2-5pm my time most days, would be nice to do this like weds or so
    im also gmt-4 but I work until 5 every day. I can be free from about 5-1030pm (except tonight) or we can try to do weekend. You can add me on discord Lambo#5106 if its easier to schedule there
    ok just sent u a request

    if u ever see me on just msg me to ask "rn" and i'll prob be down, lol
    Hey sorry, just logged in after a while. Thanks my dude! Ive been really busy, but ill see if i can test some of these out!

    Looking hoooot, wish i couldve seen before swsh dropped

    And undefeated is nice, but its just a fun league haha
    Hey we're paired for the NU open! I'm GMT-4 and I am available pretty much every day this week except Wednesday, Thursday (or Friday). I am most up to playing late in the day, so anywhere between 3-5pm works best for me. Just let me know in advance what day you want to play because I don't want to postpone or change dates.
    hey man its been a while, what happened to ur yt?
    Oh sheesh my b, i never saw this. Started dating a girl a she took priority over pokemon and stuff. Lol my b being 6 months late to this. Freaking what is up my guy. Life good?
    oh nice man, i've been good yeah
    Hi there. We play for NU for the Pound for Pound tournament round three. My timezone is GMT+3. Any suggestions when you want to play? I can't play this Sunday.
    oops i accidentally deleted the last visitor message, u said before 2 your time is fine and i think i can make 1 your time perfectly fine! (assuming u r gmt-4)
    Yessir sounds good! I just didnt suggest it because i thought you were only free sunday evening. See on smogtours then!
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