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  • Hey, can we schedule a match for Fuego Ironworks? I cant play for like another week lol but I'd like to finally do this.
    yo we gotta play for slam, can you do it tomorrow/today
    fair. thats also my problem with playing tomorrow cos i probably wont be sleeping much tonight.
    sunday next week is probably ok though, we can get a short extension if thats fine with you
    eh we can prob do sometime on weekdays only problem is that i'm gmt-3 lool maybe tuesday your time i'll see though
    ugh ive been rly busy, that idea of getting an extension to play sunday looks rly nice now. Is that fine with u ?
    Hi, we're paired for No Choice Tournament, when are you available? I'm GMT +2 and usually have time from about 5 PM to 11 PM, but I'll probably be able to play earlier as well most of the days.
    hey can we schedule to battle for fuego ironworks? mambo said your timezone is shit and id like to get this over with. im gmt-5
    Yo, we are paired for Ubers Seasonal round 4, when would you like to fight ? For your information, i'll be GMT+2 starting this monday.
    we have to play for lcpl, I will be out this weekend so I'd like to play whenever on thursday or friday, GMT+2
    lcpl, when are you available? i'll be free almost everyday from 12 to 15/16 gmt +2
    Hi. We are opponents in Ubers Summer Seasonal. My timezone is CEST (GMT+2). I am mostly available the afternoon and evening.
    im gmt +12, can you play in the morning sunday your time? 10-11am
    It sounds good.
    My name on Pokémon Showdown is the same.
    when are you getting w/e badge the ladybug was for
    it was mostly for researcher so not until the next opportunity to research comes around \o/
    i dont want to lose this anyway its my baby
    Hi, we're paired for the Round 6 of Lower Tier Cup. I'm free usually during 15:00-22:00h (GMT -3), and you can find me usually on smogtours, or #baril if you use IRC.
    ok, i can play 22:00 your time sunday
    gmt +12 btw
    When do you want to play .-.
    sorry ive been so terrible about this
    im probably available all week 11am-10pm gmt +12, though things may come up. pick a few times and we can meet then
    deoxys speed
    deoxys speed
    Are you done with your production thing, how did it go?
    How about 7pm on Thursday (I think that's 2 pm for you on a Friday) does that work?
    sure should be fine, ill let you know if something comes up closer to the day but if not ill see you then
    lower tier cup, i can only play monday from 1pm gmt+1 onwards. if you can't play then just take the win lol, we're in the final 12 anyway
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