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  • Wcor - I am GMT+2 could play this weekend pretty much free all day
    I would be free any day starting from Monday - either during the day or evening lmk what works best for you
    Let me know when you want to play for WCoR. My timezone is GMT-6 and I'm available from 11:00AM to 8:00PM on any given day.
    I'm down to battle anytime for Rand Slams gen 7. Just let me know when you're free.
    Are you free rn? I'm on as Legendary40
    I'm -4 and have available here and there
    ayo. I'm on now. I apologize if I missed you. Want to try now or schedule for tomorrow evening?
    hi bud. I think I was still waiting on your availability this week for Broken Cup 1v1. want to let me know when you're free?
    ? We just played!
    This was posted before we played and before you responded lol
    Hi! We have to play for the RBTT.

    I'm GMT+1 and available the weekdays between 9 PM and 10 PM my time, the Fridays afternoons from 2 PM to 7 PM and most of my days the weekend (9 AM to 10 PM) as long as told in advance so I can make place within my schedule.

    Is there anything that you would prefer?
    hey broken cup 1v1, I'm available for the rest of today if you want to rfn but other wise i'm gmt -6 and available after 5pm on weekdays
    Are you still on now? I'm on as Legendary40. Otherwise those time should be okay. I'm -5.
    rbtt -5 lmk when you would be aval to play this week.
    Same zone, can you message me on Discord? legendary2782
    I can play now if you are available. Otherwise, probably late at 9p or after.
    Rands, im free all day Friday. If that doesnt work for you I should have free time on the weekend just not sure when yet. Could also play tonight if youre awake
    Can you add me on Discord (Legendary!?!#2782). It'll be much easier to communicate. But let's plan for something this weekend. I'm EST (GMT -5).
    Howdy howdy another year another rbtt gen7 pairing. I’m est and can play p much whenever, except for tomorrow (Tuesday) and Saturday. Lmk your availability
    We're paired for randbats open. Let's try to play over the weekend? I'm GMT -7. What day/time works best for you?
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