Recent content by Level 1000 Weedle

  1. Level 1000 Weedle

    Metagame Shared Power [Under Re-Construction!]

    I am frankly outraged by this decision. Shared Power has proved to be an extremely popular and fun metagame with a large fan base that is completely behind it. I think that the leadership's arguments are completely wrong and mislead. 1. All metagames have issues with balance. Even OU currently...
  2. Level 1000 Weedle

    Metagame Shared Power [Under Re-Construction!]

    I'm not sure I understand. All bans have restricted a particular ability from sharing, not its user from being shared to, and all pokemon unbans have worked the exact same way. Anyway, thanks to Haaku for giving us directions; I spent 10 minutes or so trying to find the post.
  3. Level 1000 Weedle

    Metagame Shared Power [Under Re-Construction!]

    All you need to know is that it's because Speed Boost is banned from sharing.
  4. Level 1000 Weedle

    Metagame Shared Power [Under Re-Construction!]

    I agree with the post. If we do decide that triage is too good, then the mon to ban is Pangoro rather than Triage. It has made Lele the best anti priority mon, and almost mandatory on offense. As for Serene Grace, I don't believe it is broken but it is annoying. I played a couple games against...
  5. Level 1000 Weedle

    Metagame Shared Power [Under Re-Construction!]

    Yes, that combination weakens the power of super effective moves by 58%, making them deal less damage than than neutral moves. For double weaknesses it's the same reduction, making them deal 1.69x the damage of a neutral move instead of 4x.
  6. Level 1000 Weedle

    Metagame Shared Power [Under Re-Construction!]

    I haven't really been involved with the vr before, but I'd like to suggest a few changes now. A -> B In a metagame where scarfers are extremely common and priority often doesn't work, Weavile doesn't really shine. Its main niche is as a Beat Up user, and that's just extremely unreliable...
  7. Level 1000 Weedle

    Metagame Shared Power [Under Re-Construction!]

    Serene Grace isn't really uncompetitive. Jirachi is a complete monster, yet it's not banned. Since Skill Link is banned your only choice for Stench is Beat Up, which is a weak move with basically 2 good STAB users, only one of which actually gives you an ability. Otherwise you're stuck using...
  8. Level 1000 Weedle

    Metagame Shared Power [Under Re-Construction!]

    Again, Unaware is necessary to stop Stamina, Beast Boost, and more. If you see an unaware mon just don't set up. Without it those abilities would be broken.
  9. Level 1000 Weedle

    Metagame Shared Power [Under Re-Construction!]

    This is a pretty good point, and reminds me of a team I tried to run a while back while building for SP Unity. Now, I had a Lycanroc instead of the Beheeyem originally, but after I barely lost to stall I decided to add it. The idea was that Analytic could help me break through Prankster stall...
  10. Level 1000 Weedle

    Metagame Shared Power [Under Re-Construction!]

    Substitute is still banned because of the difficulty with the complex ban of Bannetite + Substitute. That should get fixed soon.
  11. Level 1000 Weedle

    Metagame Shared Power [Under Re-Construction!]

    Another post that I completely agree with. The biggest impacts that Magic Bounce and Magic Guard have had are invalidating hazards and status. Invalidating hazards has allowed Multiscale and Sturdy to flourish, while invalidating status has destroyed classic Stall. However, Stall has adapted to...
  12. Level 1000 Weedle

    Metagame Shared Power [Under Re-Construction!]

    Exactly. By banning Multiscale and Sturdy you solved the problem that those abilities created in HO vs HO battles. But now they're basically just as good, and to counter them you have to run a moldy mon. Meanwhile all the other benefits that were provided to HO by Mguard are gone. I believe that...
  13. Level 1000 Weedle

    Metagame Shared Power [Under Re-Construction!]

    Weak Armor is banned. Gooey doesn't get invalidated because it's on your opponent and it's a speed drop, while Unaware only matters for damage. Intimidate is only ignored if you have Unaware on your team. Stamina would be even more broken without Unaware, and Big Pecks prevents lowered stats...
  14. Level 1000 Weedle

    Metagame Shared Power [Under Re-Construction!]

    First of all, if you've played the metagame you'd know that 4 hard hitting abilities aren't broken and lose to a lot of faster teams as well as some stall. You cannot fit 4 hard hitting abilities on a team while including Magic Guard and Unaware (for Stamina). And the 4 abilities you listed give...
  15. Level 1000 Weedle

    Metagame Shared Power [Under Re-Construction!]

    Sash spam everywhere basically destroys this, as do resists. For Dragonite you had to give it +2, completely negating that nice resist. Tyranitar doesn't seem super common, but it totally destroys Blacephalon. 252 SpA Adaptability Blacephalon Mind Blown vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Tyranitar in Sand...