lezzy cuttlefish
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  • hi cap ssnl, im.+8 and wld prefer weekends, if its fine lets schedule on cord adem#2861
    When wanna play for cap ssnls
    lezzy cuttlefish
    lezzy cuttlefish
    Would some time Sunday be alright? Before 4 PM PST? Failing that, I could also do some time tomorrow or Monday.
    We got matched up for the holiday tour! When are you free? I’m free most nights GMT-6 from 10:30-1 pretty reliably while I’m out of town but I can try to make other times work.
    lezzy cuttlefish
    lezzy cuttlefish
    Assuming you mean 10:30 pm - 1 am, that would work awesome - although that last hour might be cutting it. Could we do 10:30-12 gmt-6 tonight or the 26th?
    Ya I meant those times sorry. Also yeah I *think* the 26th the will work if you let me have that block of time! If I get busy all of the sudden I’ll post here
    lezzy cuttlefish
    lezzy cuttlefish
    Awesome. 26th at 10:30 pm gmt-6 it is!
    Sorry, got distracted by CAPTT and forgot about playtest tour - let's schedule. GMT+1 rn. Pretty free all afternoon and evening tomorrow, and the evenings on Thursday and Friday. Not sure about nights on the weekend but could try really late at night (midnight-ish). If you need to look further ahead than that lmk
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