Linkin Karp
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  • Hey, looks like I'm playing you in GSC cup. Got a pretty packed month here with personal stuff, but I'll do my best to meet up some time to play at a time that works for you. I'm operating on CDT (GMT -5 hours).

    What times work for you later this week? I'd prefer something later on the 21st to 24th if possible.
    Ahh, shit. Sorry man. I've been sick lately and falling behind on work. Did they already find me a replacement? If not, I'll show up and give it a whirl. Just don't expect to play me at my best.

    If they've already replaced me, then no worries. If not, just give me a time here this week before the deadline closes and I'll be there. Sorry again about the changes.
    Linkin Karp
    Linkin Karp
    You haven't been subbed out. But I honestly doubt I'll be able to make it another time this week. I planned around the knowledge that my only game would be on Monday, and now I will have someone visiting me for the next 72 hours and then I'll be away for possibly the busiest weekend I've had in months. I sincerely would love to play vs you but this week it seems impossible for me not to take the win. Sorry.
    Np man. Seemed like we both just had stuff going on. Gl going forward!
    Gsc gc, +2, free friday evening, saturday morning and early afternoon and most of sunday, when works?
    Sure, lets do that. Sunday 7:30pm?
    Linkin Karp
    Linkin Karp
    i'm playing the other opp at 8pm so wouldn't mind a tiny bit earlier, but works
    im online as vani in case you wanna start earlier
    When gsc champ, i'm -4, when u can play?
    Linkin Karp
    Linkin Karp
    +2 here, if today you can play at 9.30pm my time or even earlier that works, otherwise friday evening (your afternoon) or saturday early morning (midnight your time)
    I can today at ur 5-6 pm, works for you?
    Linkin Karp
    Linkin Karp
    ye let's go. i'm on ps as linkin karp
    Paired for RBY Ubers & RBY OU for RoA Olympics. I'm US-Central time zone. Evenings during weekdays work for me, or I can have a bit more flexibility over the weekend. Add my Discord for easiest contact- EB0LA#0779.
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