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  • Hey we're battling for pokemon freedom tournament, I'm GMT +12 but I have no clue when I'll be on because I'm currently on a holiday with limited computer access, sorry about that. If you could give me a few time frames that'd be great.
    Hi, sorry I didn't get back to you sooner. I'm GMT-5. Sunday night would probably be ok, but Monday or Tuesday would really be better.
    i need to buy some things for the weekend, i'll be back in like 35-40 minutes, just to let you know. then i will come to irc.
    It's not a big deal since I couldn't stay much. It was just the opportunity to meet and talk a bit to know what should I teach
    I hope to see you next weekend
    I'll be busy with the Smogon Tour Sunday :/
    So I'll be there, but updating the points and calculating the tiebreaks for the playoffs.
    I'll give you the link later, I'm on a rush now
    I'll be on #Pokemon, smogon's main channel. I can be there at 11:30 but I won't stay much :/
    It's gonna be fine for a first time I guess. See you Saturday
    Hi ! I'm GMT +2.
    I saw your timezone and schedules, it's gonna be pretty hard. You said you are GMT -8 (10 hours difference, so 6pm for you means 2am for me...)

    I'm usually available from 6 to 10pm the weekdays and from 2pm the weekends (10am-2pm the weekdays and 6am-2pm the weekends your time). According to your schedules, we can met the weekend between noon and 2 pm (your time).

    Do you use IRC ? We could meet there Saturday
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