Lost Soul
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  • sup man, we're paired for teenager tour, im in your team in crystal geodude as well :> just hmu anytime on the group PM.
    Lost Soul
    Lost Soul
    I'm finally back home so any time from Tomorrow on i will be able to play for the most part.
    Seven Lions
    Seven Lions
    ok sounds good
    Lost Soul
    Lost Soul
    yea any time now for the most part XD so just let me know when you want to play and ill get back to you when i get up.
    Hey, we're matched up for the Crystal Geodude (I replaced Blue Eon). I'm on PS as The Goomy (voice). Just challenge me, let me know it's for the Tourney, and we'll battle. I'm on a lot.
    Lost Soul
    Lost Soul
    I'm Currently away from home, but i will be back Tuesday night so any time Wednesday onwards my schedule is fairly open i'm gmt-1 i believe PST.
    Lost Soul
    Lost Soul
    my bad Gmt-8 XD
    Lost Soul
    Lost Soul
    I'm finally back home so any time from Tomorrow on i will be able to play for the most part, also i believe people have been preferring P.O for Gen 4 Uber battles because it seems the P.S ones are buggy currently.
    hey we're paired for the teenager tournament, when do you wanna play? I'm gmt+1
    yeah no problem, it's my fault, gg bro
    also, I didn't see if you wrote me anything because chat wasn't shown in my screen, sorry for that miss :)
    Lost Soul
    Lost Soul
    Oh that's fine, and no i didn't write anything, but yea no need for a sorry=p thats just how the game works sometimes XD part of the risk you take with higher power moves when there is something with less power but 100% acc available.
    Hey dude, sorry about this, but I just had a meeting come up right at 6 pm my time today, so would you mind if we moved the battle back til 8?
    Have you PM'd Meleota <3 Your team yet, Ready to battle anytime.
    (Don't pm me your mon's, wait for meleota <3 do it.)
    Lost Soul
    Lost Soul
    Yea i sent them to Melo already, just waiting for Melo to confirm it and everything.
    hi, can we play now?
    look me in Canal #baril
    Lost Soul
    Lost Soul
    What times are you usually one that i can i catch you on there? and you use the same name there as well?
    Hey, You've been subbed into Team Tour - Your opponent is #Bastian :)
    Lost Soul
    Lost Soul
    Thank you for the heads up I'll contact them now.
    >Froget what the battle sim for gen III was
    >Go on your profile

    Haha thanks. Netbattle was where I first started competitive battling :)
    Lost Soul
    Lost Soul
    Oh no problem lmao, even if i helped you without even knowing it, But anyhow you and Ace produce a great product, well worthy of a follow, however i was not expecting a comment on my profile so that was definately a bonus so thank you.=p
    Lost Soul
    Lost Soul
    and yea Netbattle is where it all started for me as well oh so long ago XD but hey it was alot of fun.
    Lost Soul?!
    Lost Soul
    Lost Soul
    Depends on who you are XD i get abit foggy with names sometimes.
    From NB times. Cloyster-Missy-Celebi-Drumlax-Skarm-Raikou vs Forry-Raikou-Skarm-Rhydon-Starmie-Snorlax. After 300 turns the battle ended due to a CH Rock Slide from my Rhydon on your Celebi.
    Lost Soul
    Lost Soul
    XD you have a pretty good memory to remember all the way back to Netbattle days, that is fairly impressive. the team does sound familiar however, most of the stuff in my head is still from the DPP/Shoddy days. 2007-2009 for the most part, however it is always good to hear back from people however long it has been. XD
    do u still exist oO
    Lost Soul
    Lost Soul
    Every once in awhile i go back and play it. may i ask how you know me? XD
    netbattle era
    cloyster-lix-cune-zapdos-nido-gengar yn
    Lost Soul
    Lost Soul
    Oh way way way wayyyyyyyy long time ago then XD thought you where someone that knew me from the time during DPP/Shoddy stuff where my name was out and about. but the team sounds familiar.
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