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  • btw, do you have all of the power items? If not, I can attach either the HP or the speed power item to this Poke.
    learn to abuse the RNG and all your breeding frustrations will melt away!

    UU is awesome, probably my favorite tier. Ludicolo is indeed UU, but a lot of Rain Dance teams in OU use him to great effect. they're probably in the process of revamping his analysis page, and someone is working on a UU write up next.
    a little secret: click the name of the album for a surprise. :naughty:

    the analysis pages are an excellent place to start, as well as the intro to competitive battling article. and i can give you feedback as we battle too. but the best teacher is experience. you just gotta jump in!
    i did indeed read Talisman first. i thought Black House was much better to be honest, but i think that's mostly because Kng had a much clearer picture of the worlds he was tying it into at that point. man some of the shit in the middle of the book was fucking amazing. like the whole murder of Henry. FUCK.

    have you read Thinner? from the King i've read, it's usually the endings that leave me a bit let down, but holy shitkittens, the ending of Thinner is mindblowing and perfect. FUCKING FUCK.

    i have a legit flawless Mew if you want a copy. it's MattJ's free redistributable. :toast: battling is the shit man, it's so so so much fun. we should battle some time. :naughty: oh also, i name a lot of my characters after shit in King/DT books. my OT is Roland. and i run this blog. :naughty:
    ok i might stop by. i just finished Black House and it was pretty fucking great. reading Duma Key currently. so do you actually play pokemon?
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