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  • Legend. Was reading the cybertron warstory and found out we share a name.
    Ha thanks, don't visit Smogon often these days, keep the name strong
    Hey dude - 0 idea why my thread was locked when we were discussing attraction, objective results from a study you sent, and my suggestions of other things that I've seen other people like for anyone. No problem if someone disagreed. Very strange.

    Guess we were both 16 at some point as well.

    Anyway, think my post is still up so you can see what I've been up to. What's the latest with you?
    welcome back too cerowang but no, make more money isn't the solution because 1) my life sucks on that front too or I'd be retiring in three years 2) I will die alone before I simp
    Damn sorry yall I've been busy working way too much. Hope you two have been good and up to no good.
    oh hi

    play league with me ok ty
    I haven't played league in so long ;_;
    wish I could say the same. What a trash game xD
    So man it seems like we're in the extension time to battle, I'm gmt +1 and the following are the hours I'll be available to battle

    Today (10/01) 11 pm to midnight (my time)
    11/01 not sure about this, I'll tell you more in case we will agree to play that day
    12/01 11 am - 2 pm, 5-6 pm and 11 pm to midnight
    Obviously if we agree to play for midnight (my time) it's perfectly okay even if we will end the battle one hour later. The only thing I ask you is a confirm so that I can organize. If you want we can talk somewhere else if you don't check smogon very often, that's not a problem for me. I know those hours are not the best for you and I'm sorry for that but 9 hours of difference are really a lot. Let me know man!
    Hey so now we're matched up for DPL. im est and free after after tomorrow, when do you want to play
    If you can play now, sooner rather than later would be best. I'm going out with my sister at an unspecified time so I want to get this out of the way.
    im good to play right not if you're available
    I'll get on now
    yo man im your opp for ost, im gmt+1, i can flex my times a bit but i cant promise that i would show in the week, weekends work fine
    Sorry I had a busy week, I prefer the afternoons/evenings for my time which is -8 right now. Weekend would work I think but as I said would prefer afternoons or evenings
    anytime works for me in the weekends, i will be on most of the time, just catch me on main or smogtours
    K I will try to look for you this weekend
    Yo dude, I'm your OST opp, i could play pmuch anytime from the 5th of february till deadline. I'm GMT +1
    That's rude man, we have a tough schedule since you want to play when I can't. You never said which 12 you were ever referring to.
    ye i know its really hard, that's why i won't call activity, but i was hoping for you to give me a time. :(
    your 12 pm noon time (when you have lunch) is 21 pm my time, which is okay i guess. so tomorrow, or now? :D
    Its already sunday now here and you don't replay on showdown and i'm getting really tired, so maybe we could try tomorrow around 20-21 pm GMT +1? :s
    When i am in the club and I see a guy i like I just go right to him and say that i think he is hot. If he shows disinterest there is nothing I can do but at least i showed him that I am interested.
    honestly dude I have football a job plus I'm a muy tai fighter and I'm also enggaged so calm the fuck down dude
    okay so i guess you are back in the tour. i am GMT-4, when do you want to play?
    hi i will be available to play tomorrow at various times. especiallly in the afternoon which you said you preferred. i never said a word about playing tonight but if you contacted me earlier i would have been able to do so. ive been trying to contact you all week. pls respond. im going to bed now
    oh okay we can fight saturday or sunday if that doesnt work we will ask for an extension.
    Nah I was just joking man, I thought I replied to your VM earlier and finally came to double check the time.
    hey man i hope it's not because of my game =/ if it is, not trying to be condescending, can you tell me why you think the call was made wrongly?
    Playing for the doubles seasonals, I'm GMT -5 and i'm on spring break this week so pick a time and i should be able to make it :o
    I'm -7 and prefer afternoons/evenings
    7-9 your time work tomorrow? I'll be in the doubles room or I can meet on irc/smogtours if you prefer.
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