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  • hey we're paired for the ubers open. i'm gmt -4, you?
    gmt +3, mostly on during the day. I'll find you on irc.
    hey i requested an extension for our ubers game and i'll be available tomorrow. let me know what time you want to play after 10 AM my time and we'll play.
    hey, we're opponents for lc open. i'm free every afternoon and i'm on gmt-3. you can find me on #baril on irc.
    I've been around #baril for the past three days, but didn't see you. What alt do you use?
    elodin. i had tests until today, so i'll be more active this weekend.
    we are paired for LC open, i'm gmt-4 and almost always available in #neverused on IRC.
    I'm hoping to get an answer from you soon.
    I didn't see you at all yesterday, I was on the same time we did our abttle on tuesday. Will this weekend work for you?
    hi Malfunction, im your opponent in the RU open. Im GMT -7 and would prefer to play evenings or weekends my time due to school, after 6PM preferable. What timezone are you and when would you like to play?
    Sorry, It was completly impossible to be on smogon yesterday. Today around ST tour again ?
    I'm going to try to be active tomorrow but I've got a really busy day. I can't promise anything but I'll be looking out for you.
    i think i JUST missed you on irc, sorry about that. i had a last minute dentist's appointment yadda yadda i'm a john. tomorrow i'll be available a couple hours earlier than today (thursday i probably won't be available because of a later class)
    ill ask for an extension then, im available tomorrow starting around 2:30-3pm depending on when i get home from class
    when do you wanna get the other games done? I probably wont be available to play until like 6 pm est tomorrow
    I don't really use it, but I will be only there. On which server you are usually on?
    We are paired in R2 for the Ubers Open Tournament, so when you want to play? I'm in GMT+1
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