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  • hey, we're opponents in the fan favorites tour r1. i'm available most of the day at GMT+4. you can find me on #pokemon and on PS.
    Hey, Sympa de voir des français sur Smogon. Je t'aurais peut-être pas reconnu sans ton RMT, avec des images hébergées par Pixenli :p
    preferably, i'd like to play at 4 so you don't have to stay up very late and i can get it over with. but if 6 and 7 are the only options, i prefer 7 since at 6 i am usually eating dinner or otherwise not at my computer.
    ok well smogon tour is next week in case u were planning to stay up

    on friday i get home at like 4:00 gmt -5. can we play then? since i like to do stuff when i get home, and i dont want to wait around for an hour
    on the weekdays i get home at ~5:30 - 6:00 gmt -5, which would be at about midnight your time. i can get on for a short period at around noon your time, possibly long enough to finish the match (this is before i leave for school)

    on the weekends im p. much totally free
    Hey I'm actually going to be ready to play in the next 30 minutes if you are. If not, I will be online for the next two and a half hours (which is our previously discussed time). Shoot me a message back or get on IRC (I'm at #genvuu)
    Your 12pm is my 5am, so yeah, that's pretty clearly not going to work. I will try and make myself available to play at 5pm-6pm your time (10am-11am for me) on Saturday, if not, we can do it Sunday evening. Work for you?
    Wow, GMT + 2? That's 8 hours ahead of me. My team does not want me to play on Sunday, and I agree with their reasoning (it's last-minute). Saturday at 8-9pm your time would be ideal. That is 12-1pm my time.
    I can play every day of this week. Can we play on friday or saturday at 4PM GMT-4?
    hey we need to play for week 4 of homefield advantage. you're at home and i'll be available friday night or saturday afternoon gmt+1
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