Mark K
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  • when do you wanna play for bh sznl im est
    Mark K
    Mark K
    I won on the main bracket, idk what happened, I'll let you know as I sort out my situation
    Mark K
    Mark K
    you're vs vsomani
    Hey! We got each other for BH spring seasonal! Is 10:30 PM PST on Sunday good for you?
    Because at first we decided on Tuesday. Then I offered Monday. You said it was "reaaaaaaaaaaally late" for Monday and you would ask for an extention. I thought that meant we were still playing on Tuesday, not Monday.
    Mark K
    Mark K
    the last offer was Monday, and I did say it was pretty late but I would ask for an extension to get it done, boviously on Monday I'd have said otherwise if it was Tuesday. Also 3am on a Monday is the same shit as 3am on a Tuesday when you're in college and I won't be able to repeat that feat
    But you said it was really late for you "for a Monday." I thought you had to get up earlier on Tuesday than on Wensday, so you could play that time on Tuesday, but not on Monday.
    uber stabmons. I'm GMT -5, when you want to play
    Mark K
    Mark K
    I'm available right now and will be for the next couple of hours. Any day at around this time is p good
    okay. I'm usually free around this time, just at work rn. I'll probably be on this time tomorrow too
    Mark K
    Mark K
    alright, we'll play then
    u free to play this weekend?
    Like 8pm ish work?
    Mark K
    Mark K
    730 would be perfect but i think i can do 8pm
    hmmmm im on now, will be for the next half hour or so, but i dont check smogon as often as PS so if im online give me a shout on PS, also if now is difficult im happy to play tomorrow at 4pm, and if that doesnt work, we most likely will get an extension so yeah we should be fine tbh.
    we're paired for ubers stabmons tour
    im gmt +5:30, when can u play
    my ps name is arushii
    where u at
    Mark K
    Mark K
    im here now, just got home
    u came online exactly at 7pm my time
    anyway im still online as arushii on ps challenge me if u can play rn
    m&m open when? im gmt+5:30
    if u could do monday it'd be helpful as im completely free on monday
    Mark K
    Mark K
    yeah onday will do after 4pm gmt0 which would be 9:30pm for you, can you do that?
    Mark K
    Mark K
    well, what do you want to reschedule for?
    Mark K
    Mark K
    Dude, kinda hard to schedule if you don't check smogon
    Hi, AG Open, GMT, free on the weekend or weekdays 8pm-10pm, when play?
    Would Saturday evening GMT work for you?
    Mark K
    Mark K
    ye should do, got a game scheduled at 10pm, so anything between 8-9 will do
    Cool, let's say 9pm Saturday then
    paired for must mega when play gmt-8 weekdays after 9pm are fine. any time tomorrow or next weekend also fine. new years day obviously not fine
    Mark K
    Mark K
    Oh boy, ok, I just finished the exam but I have 2 matches scheduled for later at 9 and 10pm. Would you rather do 8 or 11pm gmt+0?
    I can get on rn. Otherwise 8is good
    Mark K
    Mark K
    alright I'm gonna build and find you when I'm ready
    Yo tier shift gmt +1, i can usually play evenings my time
    Mark K
    Mark K
    Im gmt0. Yeah evenings are fine, wanna do thursday 7 pm your time?
    I would prefer 8 pm if thats fine with you, i can also play rn if u want
    Mark K
    Mark K
    nah, i got a lot of stuff to do rn up until wednesday. thursday 8pm will work, if I can do any day sooner i'll let you know
    Hey man you got subbed in for my opp in scrabblemons r1 :] i'm gmt+1 and can play this evening or tomorrow but i think we already need an extension for tomorrow. please contact me asap and thx for subbing in
    Discord is Capita_L#1615 if you wanna make this quicker
    Mark K
    Mark K
    Hey, just finished building, ready whenever
    me v you for R1 "Mix but you have to mega". I'm GMT+2 and available pretty much from today - lemme know.
    Mark K
    Mark K
    can you do today 9PM, 4 hours from now?
    Uhh, yeah sure.
    hi gmt-8 can play after 4 pm on weekdays, more open on weekends. flame orb bh tour when
    Mark K
    Mark K
    Welp, sorry, I ended up studying all wekkend long and only now catching up with the world. I should be able to do Monday 4pm your time. Truly sorry for the inconvenience
    don't worry about it too much man. anyway 4pm should work.
    Mark K
    Mark K
    what alt will I find you on?
    Ohko me baby! I meen mamp tour when.
    Mark K
    Mark K
    Tests week... Saturday is my last one, what's your timezone?
    drampa's grandpa
    drampa's grandpa
    Im EST (gmt -5) and if you have tests we can do this later in the week. Works better for me anyway.
    Mark K
    Mark K
    Can you do Saturday 10am for you? At that time I can be pretty sure i won't flake. If you can't, maybe later at 5PM your time might be doable but still have to confirm
    Paired for bad stab, when you want to play?
    I'm still on the bus then. 3:15 or 3:30 would be possible, though.
    Mark K
    Mark K
    Alright, that should work
    Mark K
    Mark K
    yo sorry, was a bit late, whenever you're available hit me up
    Hey we are playing for lc fall ssnl, I'm est/gmt -4, available mostly evenings & nights. When are you free to play?
    hi we're paired for the Anything Goes fall seasonal I'm EST (GMT -5) and this upcoming weekend works great for me.
    yeah that should work for me
    Mark K
    Mark K
    Thank you, is your PS! name the same?
    Yes it is, I'll most likely be on SmogTours and not Pokemon Showdown though.
    Hi, we play for the lc open. When are you able to play? My timezone is GMT+2 and my name on PS is ok132.
    Bad Player
    Bad Player
    alright, im online
    Bad Player
    Bad Player
    also smogtours is not loading for me so im on main
    Mark K
    Mark K
    hey, sorry, I've been unaccountedly busy for the last few days and will be absent for the next week, so feel free to call activity and move on. Sorry to be so bothersome and gl for the tournament!
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