Mark Suckerberg
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  • Hi im your opponent for ost r2. Any chance we can play tomorrow literally anytime after 6:30am gmt-8?
    Yo, your opponent for Round 1 here. Sorry for the extremely late reply, I completely forgot about this. I might actually have been replaced already, so I guess just ignore this in that case lol
    Mark Suckerberg
    Mark Suckerberg
    i'm having trouble connecting to showdown. i'll go on mobile and attempt to load my teams there, pm me (i'll be on the normal smogon server, not smogtours)
    Mark Suckerberg
    Mark Suckerberg
    ok i connected to smogtours fine, so can we have the battle on the smogtours server?
    Mark Suckerberg
    Mark Suckerberg
    *sigh* what times are you available next week?
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