Martinique Jason
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  • we play for baby rands. im -4 and have plenty of availability this week so lmk when u wanna play. want to do this before the weekend
    Martinique Jason
    Martinique Jason
    really sorry, are you available on sunday? I am GMT +2 (Prague)
    nah im not, sorry. unless u were available for some ridiculous time bc i probably cant get on until like past 11pm my time. i also already called for act bc i tried getting a hold of u saying the weekend was bad
    Martinique Jason
    Martinique Jason
    yeah okay, claim the win
    Hey, I'm your opponent for round 2 of the LC Open XI. My time zone's CST (UTC - 6:00). What times are you available? I'm available any time from about 3:00 PM - 9:00 PM CST (9:00 PM - 3:00 AM UTC) on Thursday the 28th, then I should be available any time from 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM CST (3:00 PM - 3:00 AM UTC) every day from Friday onward. When are you available?
    Sushi Rollo
    Whoops, I think we got the time zones wrong. You're 7 hours ahead of me, not 8. Sorry.
    Sushi Rollo
    11:00 AM still works for me anyway, so we should be able to still do the scheduled time.
    Martinique Jason
    Martinique Jason
    Hello, I am ready, sorry if we got timezones confused.
    Hey, we play for round 1 for the LC Open XI. When are you available?
    I'm in IST (UTC+5:30) and am free on weekdays from 3 PM to 6 PM, and 8PM to 11 PM.
    I'm also flexible on weekdays, but do let me know ahead of time when you want to play then.
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