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  • Hi Would you mind adding my FC please ?
    My FC is 2165 - 6488 - 2401 (Mine have Rhydon, Pupitar and Nosepass)
    I kind of need to breed Chansey^-^,
    anyway my usual playtime is 9-12 am est , May I know your usual playtime ?

    I see you have a Chansey in your safari, I'm trying to breed a Togepi but it takes ages without a Chansey safari to get the friendship up real fast it would be a real help to me. I already added you I hope you'll add me !! This is my safari 1719-3286-6459 Grass (Sunkern,Petilil,Quilladin) not the best but it has a starter in it.

    Thx in advance

    Gr, Mouseke
    I have added you, I hope it helps, I know how much of a pain togepis can be to breed
    Hi! I added your friend code from the forums, please add me back! 1907-8565-6436! Thanks!
    Can you add me on Friend Safari? My FC name is Matt, and my number is 0748-2790-6392. I have either Nosepass/Dwebble, Pupitar, and Barbaracle. I already added you.
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