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  • hi. i won't delete your post in the vr thread because you did promise replays. however, the point of replays is so people can see it in action. starting the debate before people see that is going to cause some pretty bad posts (you should have seen what i deleted ._.) so please just wait next time. and preferably post them SOON because otherwise we're gonna have a bunch of theorymon on our hands :/
    Apologies bludz, wasn't sure if this would happen or not :\ Go ahead and delete it if you want, I have it saved to Google drive and I can repost another time with replays
    yeah i actually think it would just be better for all of us. i'm not trying to stop you from posting a nomination - just want the discussion to actually be good. post it again when you have replays
    Gotcha, thanks for your time
    Read the rules before posting a new RMT, the last one was not respecting them, and so I deleted it.
    Have a nice day.
    Oh, these are all clones, so it doesn't matter. Just catch any random pokemon to trade to me. Make sure you don't need it back.
    I get home from work at 4PM which is 10PM your time. We could trade within 15 minutes I'm sure.
    Yeah, I've got one of those shiny. Oh, sorry, I definitely can't alter the NNs though because they're all on my 5th gen cart now. If you want to use a code to alter them that's fine.
    My apologies. My newborn son is still not sleeping normally. He wakes up every few hours to eat so neither my wife nor I get any sleep and our days are all mixed up. I didn't find a minute to get on irc this weekend. I do think Wednesday could work out. What time zone are you in? I'm in US Central Time. If you're in a different one and want to know how to tell how far apart our time zones are, I'm posting this at 8:59 PM. Look at what time it says that I posted it in the upper right corner to see how different our time zones are.
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