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  • Please post the pastebin(s) with the teams of the bazaar, i don't think there is the point on posting teams if you aren't putting the importables... Other people won't use the teams or give suggestions if you just show the pokemon and not the sets and some just ignore the post that they would enjoy otherwise, i'd appreciate if you did that.
    thanks, i loved the megalop gengar dual mg team but don't run fire punch lop tho, use ice punch because hp fire on lando is enough and it can't 2hko scizor with impish nature, switch to relaxed because you don't need that speed anyway
    and i'd also consider u-turn over stone edge on hp fire landorus because you have rotom-w for talon and relaxed u-turns are slow meaning you are slower than opposing lando and gain momentum more easily
    thanks for your suggestions. my only concern is that running stone edge on land makes the team even more weak to birds but i'll def run ip lop. And i personally like the double mega balance better especially running slowbronite on standard bro but whatever,i guess that's fine
    hi when do you want to play for the ou thing? im gmt +2 if we could play today that would be great
    Sry was rly busy with exams... i can play the whole day for two days from now and i prefer from 12-4 in my time. gmt 6:30 btw
    could you play now
    anyway im able to play in next 9 hours
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