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  • hey, I'm your opponent for smogon masters II, what would be a good time for you, and what timezone are you in?
    Hey man, I'm your gen 8 opponent, reached out to you a while ago but you haven't responded, lmk when you're on
    Hey, I'm your round 1 opponent in ADV ZU Gold Rush. I'm GMT -7 and I can play any time after 4pm my time next Tuesday, Wednesday, or Friday. Weekends are pretty open, just not this upcoming weekend. When works for you?
    Hey there! We're paired up for the RBY Cup! I'm GMT +1.
    I should be available everyday this week between 7PM and 11PM my time, other than Monday and Sunday.
    I can be more flexible in the weekend (except Sunday night).
    When do you want to play?
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