Miss Crisis
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  • hey we are paired for TPP Week 2. I am still GMT+2. I can't play on Saturday unfortunately. Otherwise during the week from 5pm to 9pm and Friday until 5pm. Sunday I would have time in the evening
    paired for randpoke GG. I am GMT+2 and can play everyday from 5pm to 9pm my time. Weekends almost any time
    It was already Monday when you wrote the message. I could play in the next few hours if you are there
    Miss Crisis
    Miss Crisis
    if you're still available I got like an hour and a half
    I am online as RoFnA
    spotlight tour -4 when would you like to go?
    I cant go that late unfortunately, I dont play well when its later in the day, would prefer earlier.
    It appears we have forgot about the game, when is the soonest you can do so? I would prefer 6-8pm EST on weekdays.
    Miss Crisis
    Miss Crisis
    ah heck lol, wanna play at 7pm EST tomorrow?
    That moment when I'm paired up with one of the hosts lol.
    Anyways I'm your opp. for the OM madness tour rnd 1. I'm gmt-4, just tell me your tz and I'll find a good schedule.
    Eggs today is the last day i believe so just dm me anytime before 6:00pm gmt-7.
    Miss Crisis
    Miss Crisis
    hello i am very sorry, got called into work yesterday unexpectedly. ill be on for the rest of the day
    ok just challenge whenever. on as Runoisch
    Hey eggs, looks like we're playing for CAP AAA, i'm GMT-5, lmk when youre good to play
    snm seasonal when
    im +1
    Miss Crisis
    Miss Crisis
    i am -7, how does this weekend sound
    as long as its saturday or late sunday (my time) then yeah thats fine
    Hi Eggs, we play for the TSAAA seasonal. I'm GMT -5 and prefer weeknights after 10:30 pm my time, but im flexible on the weekends, and if needed can find time during the afternoons
    when do you wanna play for AAA Open? I'm free weekends.
    Miss Crisis
    Miss Crisis
    weekends work great! im gmt-7 so if you see me online ill prob be down to play
    Haven't been able to find you online, can we just schedule a time for this weekend.
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