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  • Hey - where is your weezing analysis skeleton? I can't find it on the NU analysis section. I really hope you didn't delete it.
    Hey we're paired up for NUPL, is it cool if we wait a day or two so I can prepare? Hopefully I'll see you in the neverused room.
    Sorry I was a bit late, looks like I just missed you :/
    So, how is this going to work out now?(on 3DS, unable to get to a computer now today, so...)
    I'm free pretty much all of tommorow morning and early afternoon as well as late at night, what time is good for you?
    Hey we have to play for NUPL. i'm GMT+1, what times are you available?
    I'm GMT-8, so this should be a bit difficult. I guess some time earlier in the morning for me is the only way this will work out, unless you're able to easily do something like 4 AM your time. Probably around 10-12 AM my time, I guess.
    Hey, you're my opponent in Farm League this week. What time is good for you? I am GMT and available most evenings.
    I am GMT -8, this should be interesting to find a time.
    I could probably get on at about 8:00 AM here, which would be 4:00 pm there. Otherwise during the week I'm not able to get on here til about 1 AM there, so I highly doubt that works. I can probably get on later on Saturday or Sunday if that doesn't work, though.
    Hmm, yes this will be interesting. I can definitely play tomorrow at 8:00 AM for you though (or probably earlier if you want). We could just wait until the weekend though if you don't fancy the early game.

    Probably the weekend is best.
    We have to battle for SPL. Smogon has not worked well for me in last week. but i will not be available new years day and only am avialable from 1-3pm est tomorrow
    just an fyi, the evs on the shuckle set you posted are incredibly inefficient. shuckle's defensive stats are 20 / 230 / 230. 252 evs always give a set amount of stats (63), and since shuckle already has such high defense / special defense, evs in those 2 stats won't impact that stat much. however, 63 points into hp will be much more impactful because shuckle has such a low hp stat. :toast:
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