Mob Barley
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  • We have to play for Roa Olympics, wanna do this in th weekend? It’s gmt +1 here
    can you not ignore me? I can possibly play tomorrow from 10am to 5pm
    Mob Barley
    Mob Barley
    sorry =(

    ok i'm totally down
    RoA Olympics 2 — Oras OU

    - I can play every day of the week from 18:00 to 00:00.
    - Saturday and Sunday my hours are 16:00 to 00:00 .
    - GMT -3
    - I'll be on Overused / Ubers / Neverused rooms on PS with nick CaCaTuA

    Discord : DR CaCaTuA
    Yo I had an emergency come up. I might be able to battle tonight. If not noon on Sat (GMt -4) will work just fine.

    Really sorry otherwise.
    Yo Mob, we play for wcop.
    I'm +0.
    Can we play around saturday? I'd appreciate playing soon since i have some irl shit to do. I'd be thankful.
    Mob Barley
    Mob Barley
    Saturdays cool, for sure. Let me get back to you with a time
    Yo, something came up and i can't play today.
    Is sunday night cool with you?
    Mob Barley
    Mob Barley
    no problem man
    when do you wanna play for the xy re-release tourney? I'm usually available at GMT-3 afternoons/eves
    Hi, we're paired for Circlejerk tour, GMT -5 here. I'm available at night on most days, but I'd rather to play before 10 pm. When do you want to play?
    hi, wanna play on thursday 9pm gmt+1 for spl?
    i should be home both, saturday and sunday evening gmt+1.
    maybe we can just try and meet on stours?
    hi, i'll be on stours for most of the day i think, just hit me up there
    i didn't get to say this after the game, but thanks for playing, always a pleasure to play you (on the ladder or in random roomtours). i appreciate you as a player, gl for the remaining tournament.
    when fite ost?

    I'm EST, GMT-5
    Available Weeknights all next week, weekends are tough.
    Mob Barley
    Mob Barley
    Does tomorrow afternoon work for you?
    How does 4:30 PM sound?
    Mob Barley
    Mob Barley
    sounds good
    Hey we got paired for OST literally too early from all 1000 persons I got you :x I am GMT +1 and my best day is sunday cause I have to work during the week and I m too tired to play then
    Mob Barley
    Mob Barley
    I know,bummer we got each other this soon haha. Sunday is fine with me though!
    Steve Angello
    Next week maybe? My schedule for this week is bad, this Sunday I have to play SPL and wont be home Friday / Saturday to build so would be really nice
    Mob Barley
    Mob Barley
    Haha it's all good, I play Sunday for spl too. Next week is fine just preferably evenings. Cheers
    Hey what's up, I don'the wanna be that guy but I am kinda busy this week so I can only really play on Sunday. Does 5PM GMT+1 work for you?
    Mob Barley
    Mob Barley
    No worries man, sundays fine with me. Good luck
    hey mob n_n what does your availability look like for the rest of the week for your game against jam
    Hi, when do u want to play for sm ou realease tour? I'm +2 gmt and avaible whenever in the weekend and afternoons during the week (monday, wednesday and friday 9ish-10ish)
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