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  • when do you wanna play gsc cup? im gmt+2 and id like to play asap
    i have an exam on friday, cant be that day. can u play now? if not its gotta be in the weekend
    can u tell me when are you available i dont have much time
    ;Moon Light
    reminder just in case one of us doesnt show up, scheduled for sunday 10pm
    We get to fight for GSC cup, I'm GMT -6 and I'm available starting on Thursday.
    ;Moon Light
    sunday 9pm gmt+2?
    That'll be 1 PM my time, so that's good with me.

    If that time doesn't work for whatever reason, what other time/day would you be willing to fight? This is just a backup plan in case something happens Sunday
    ;Moon Light
    idk because in the following weekdays i'll be very busy
    when fight gsc open gmt -7 would prefer weekends
    i can also play tomorrow after 2pm my time
    ;Moon Light
    sunday i can surely play, 11pm my time 2pm yours? (we do have to ask for an extension btw)
    maybe i'll be available tomorrow or saturday but unlikely, if yes i'll let you know
    if you can't tomorrow, we'll just ask for an extension i guess.
    Started work today so activity is the following:
    weekdays: 6-11 PM EDT
    weekends: variable/unknown depending on internet access

    rby classic, gmt -4
    i see you are on right now, want to do it now?
    if you come into po go to a channel called drazo and flash me there
    i was in PO all day man, where are you? i even went to little italy ;-;
    ;Moon Light
    you said to post here when i was able to play (you didn't say when yourself were available) and i had been online for about 2 hours from 5pm to 7pm, i have a different gmt (+1). im available today from 9pm to about 11pm, tomorrow idk, wednesday all day from 3pm if you give me a schedule, thursday from 3pm to 7pm, friday as wednesday, when do you prefer to play?
    we gotta play for bw cup. im gmt -3 and can do any day except for thursday, so just hit me up when you want to play
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