Lol indeed, congrats on making playing 8 man! I'm GMT + 12, but I've forgotten your timezone, all I remember is that it was reasonably difficult to schedule sessions on weekdays. It's possible for me to play on Thursday and Friday from ~3pm - 10pm my time, but I think it would be best to battle next weekend (my Saturday is still Friday for you iirc, so I'm referring to my Sunday), it's easier and gives us more time to prepare. I should be able to play from about 10am - 10pm on my Sunday, assuming nothing comes up. I can give you a more specific time once I get your timezone :)
EDIT: Ok, I just saw it's GMT - 8, meaning you're 20 hours behind (4 hours ahead, but a day before me), so it shouldn't actually be too difficult to battle on weekdays, 4pm-5pm my time on my Thursday, Friday, Saturday works well for both of us assuming you have nothing out of the ordinary on one of those days. I'm still happy to battle on Sunday though, the best time frame for both of us is likely 2pm - 5pm my time. Thoughts?