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  • It'll have to be Tuesday. Tell me a time and I'll try my best to be there.

    I just checked and realised that my new wifi isn't compqtible with my DS Lite. I haven't traded in ages, so I didn't think about it.

    Sorry for the inconvenience. I'm going to miss out too now that I know.
    In response to your CMT, I'd like the SPR2013 Meloetta. I'm hardly ever on here anymore and I'm fairly busy at the moment so this will have to be done at a weekend. If you remind me on a weekend, I should be able to spare some time and get this done. Thank You in advance for your co-operation :)
    Gamestop Celebi Lv. 50
    Nature: Modest
    Ability: Natural Cure
    Moves: Leaf Storm, Recover, Nasty Plot, Helping Hand
    Stats: 175 | 108 | 120 | 132 | 120 | 120
    Ivs:31 | 31 | 31 | 31 | 31
    Evs: UT
    OT: GAMESTP | ID : 02271

    In reply to my Meinfoo.
    I'm away all this weekend and Monday. I can only do evenings from 5:00-10:30GMT.
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