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  • We're opponents for the quaterfinals of The Unscrupulous Tiering Director Tour. I'm GMT -4, and while I'm not really available to play today because of work-related reasons, I should be free to play during my afternoons and evenings for the rest of the week.
    Just wanted to point out that deadline is tomorrow night. Is there any time at all today or tomorrow you'd be able to play for this?
    Hey, we're paired for the first blood tour.

    I'm GMT+2 and generally free on evenings or early in the morning (7-8 am). Let me know when you're free to fight.
    yo when shall we home field
    Ehh. I didn't really start playing until XY do I don't know DPP well at all. Going to work, so I won't reply for a while now
    thats fine, twice ou works for me
    Do you know approximately when you'll be online next? I'm on stours atm, message me when you're on. I'm playing League so it may be a few mins before I reply, but I'll check between games.
    hi, when do you want to play for eggbreaker? i'm gmt +2 and usually free after 20:00 my time
    Yeah. I had some stuff come up myself and wasn't able to get on until about 16:00 my time on Sunday. I hoped to catch you but didn't see you. I am sorry about that.
    well sorry mate but i cannot play at 7am, cause i am in a hurry for the course.

    is there a possible day where you can play around this time here?
    Unfortunately I'm at work during that time.
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