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  • you are literally fucking retarded lmao. You did not win. A glitch said that you win. There is no way you could have won. "the program agress with you" Are you this fucking stupid? There is no way you would have won and insisting you would just makes you look even more retarded
    what the fuck? I'm not the one who tried to get a free win. If anything most people know now that you are a complete joke of a player who tries to steal wins because they are incapable of winning themselves
    yeah you cant VM me on forums lmao hahahahahah i never said i would be on ps and i wont be 2 hours here. get on grotto if you want, but im not doing this bs. swear to god that you dont post stupid activity
    lol, sunday is fine for me, assuming by "sunday" you mean your sunday. i can play from 7 to 9am my time; after that, i have university from 9am to 1:30pm, after which i can play.
    as you know we are 9 hours apart of timezone. on sunday i can only stay until 9.30 pm so then be on around that time and we will get it done
    That would be fine, I can play at 5pm your time. I'd prefer to play on showdown, because my team is built there. My username on showdown is the same as it is here.
    Hi, we're against each other for the mini tour, what times and where would you like to play?
    we're paired for easter egg r2. im gmt +1 and i'm mostly available in the afternoons, when would you like to play?
    yo we're up for the lc tour r4. i'm gmt +10 available on the weekend due to work commitments, free all day from 10am to 2am at night. if that's not ok, i can squeeze in the battles between university and work in the afternoon, but i'd rather play on the weekend if that's ok.
    it's over, buddy. the game was already called in my favor. don't drag this on.
    Okay im on now dude, ima stick around for two hours so I'll be on between the times we set! PM me on PS!, I'll be '+Ryuzaki San'! Hope to cyah soon :)
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