Recent content by Ninahaza

  1. Ninahaza

    Announcements THE WELL #84 BP's BlimP

    Hi bp. Oh man, I remember when I was in the well. Good times. Also I didn't know you were a Health and Physical Education teacher. Wicked cool As a buff and sexy fitness guy myself who greatly enjoys the life of 6 pac abs, muscles, and the torture of diets, I can't help but notice that over the...
  2. Ninahaza

    Happy America Day 2047!

    I just had someone on my street light up a bomb of a firework, causing multiple car alarms to go off. I went out to check my car, and luckily it was unaffected. It's the most American moment I've had so far this evening.
  3. Ninahaza

    (request) DELETE SMOGON NOW [decision pending]

    But then where will I post all my pictures of my buff, sexy, shirtless body? Oh right. All of my fitness/lifestyle social media platforms Still though. It's kinda nice to have smogon around
  4. Ninahaza

    Happy America Day 2047!

    Heck yeah! In honor of america, I'll share a video of me in the gym. Me, exercising the FREEDOM of iron and the shaping of one's body. :swole::swole:
  5. Ninahaza

    Happy America Day 2047!

    And so it begins. America! A nation so great, it managed to appropriate the name of, and convince masses around the world that America is a country rather than a continent. Happy 4th of July to the best Goddamn country on earth
  6. Ninahaza

    Happy America Day 2047!

    It's almost that time of year again, boys and girls. America! ~fuck yeah~ Despite the numerous problems we face, and the current political atmosphere, I for one am looking forward to July 4th. In preparation, i will be doing extra bicep curls for America, in the gym all week long...
  7. Ninahaza

    Lifestyle physical health/fitness thread

    Good luck to you. Amazing credit is deserved for even making the tough decision to embark on a weight loss journey. I've been doing it for over 10 years now with moderate to fantastic results. And the longest period of time I've been able to maintain my weight loss is 9 years (between 2011...
  8. Ninahaza

    How to: internet

    Ps: on the flip side. If you spend entirely too much time on the internet and are looking for help on how to get out. Feel free to pm me. We can "how to" together
  9. Ninahaza

    How to: internet

    Damn. When I posted the above in October, for "no post November", I knew there was some truth to it, but damn man is my internet presence really dwindling this much? I used to spend 23 hours a day on forums, mod them, and had the time of my life and now this is the only place left I visit...
  10. Ninahaza

    [NPN] no post november

    This post should complete my annual smogon 10 posts count. I'll see ya in 2023! (Unless I post some buff pics in the fitness thread of course. Always make exceptions for ~gains~)
  11. Ninahaza

    Lifestyle physical health/fitness thread

    Lol, I wish. Nah thats just John.
  12. Ninahaza

    Lifestyle physical health/fitness thread

    Hello, lads I hope you're all well, and that life has been treating you kindly (because the gym won't, ever) :)
  13. Ninahaza

    Pizza with chocolate?

    As if I don't already face enough temptations in this world while trying to maintain my Greek God-like figure. Ugh. I just went through a quarter pound bag of peanut m&m's in 3 days too. Might as well have thrown those on a pizza. Ugh. Such a fattie
  14. Ninahaza

    Explain why you chose your signature

    Upon my return, And with my current avatar signature down, I am going to work hard to replace my sig