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  • Hello, person I just learned exists, we are opponents in the Ubers UU Swiss. I an Eastern Time Zone (GMT-5). Please let me know what date and time works best for you.
    Hi we're paired for UUbers, I'm +0, can do Tue/Sun midday-9pm, Wed/Thu around midday, lmk what works.
    PSA I don't check my Smogon often enough so if you need to reach me the best way to do it is on Discord, @nitr0524 thank you :)
    Hi uubers swiss I'm GMT +1 and free on weekends from 4PM-11PM, lmk what works
    Hi it's for natdex ubers uu. I am +2 and the best for me would be friday or saturday between 7.30pm and 11.30pm my Time
    hey we play for ubers uu open. i'm gmt+0 when would you like to play?
    Hi! I’m GMT-5 and a bit busy today, but I can do pretty much any time this week. Is there a day that works best for you?
    i think most days this week should be good. want to play tomorrow 12pm your time?
    Hi I’m so sorry I didn’t see this, how about tomorrow at 12pm? My discord is Nitro524#8425 which I check much more frequently.
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