Not Yin
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  • Experienced chess bracket, when is good for you? I’m -5x
    Hey, my bad; I was waiting for noon your time, didn't realize you'd be ready early. Sent challenge, accept whenevr you get it and are free
    Not Yin
    Not Yin
    Figured early afternoon would be earlier, my bad. It might be a few minutes before I'm ready
    You have nothing to worry about, just a misscommunication.
    Hey there, we're up for the GSC PU Tour. I'm GMT-4 and will be free pretty much any day after Wednesday this week. What works for you?
    Not Yin
    Not Yin
    Hi! How would Saturday at 4pm your time sound?
    Sounds good! See you then
    hi we play for gsc seasonal, im gmt-4, when can you play? If you use discord we could talk there to ease communication Vileman#8321
    BW Seasonal round 4, when is best? can play Thursday, Friday or Saturday between 5-9 pm gmt_1 if that works
    Not Yin
    Not Yin
    Might need a few minutes, but I'm on main as Pretty Yin Pink
    Ah damn I missed it dude, so sorry, take the win if you cant play now, my bad
    Not Yin
    Not Yin
    That really sucks, I hope we get an opportunity to play another time :(
    Hi! DPP UU, Im GMT -3. As soon as we play, better for me since exams are coming D: So lemme know when u are able to and i´ll try to adapt
    Its fine! Wednesday your afternoon?
    Not Yin
    Not Yin
    Should be good, I'll let you know when I'm online
    Not Yin
    Not Yin
    On main as Pretty Yin Pink for the next 2-3 hours, send me a message when you're available
    hey you available today by any chance to play our bw set?
    Not Yin
    Not Yin
    If you're available in about an hour I could
    sure man
    i'll be on as eden on main server
    Yo when dpp uu r3? Gmt - 3
    Not Yin
    Not Yin
    GMT -7. My schedule is pretty flexible this week but tomorrow afternoon or evening would be ideal
    Thiago Nunes
    Thiago Nunes
    Tomorrow 2pm your time is good
    Not Yin
    Not Yin
    That's perfect! I'll try to remember to send a challenge as Pretty Yin Pink. See you then!
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