Of Moose & Men
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  • Hey,I dont wanna flood the thread with too many short posts, so I thought I'd answer here. This is fucking rands both with dyna banned and dyna allowed match-up is still a potent factor, and Yes even the matchups not in your favour can be played around and you need skill in order to accomplish that.
    dyna helps in so many scenarios where you were just supposed to lose, one of the most used examples are slurpuff, linoone, or shell-smashers which could easily secure wins in gen 7, now being able to dynamax your difensive mon and eat one while reliating with a strong max move affects the game in a good way, making it less mu-reliant.
    Even in the scenario you gave me, after being able to stall the opposing dynamax, which should take 1 sac, max 2, every rock type pokemon can answer it thanks to dyna ignoring gknot, so yes even there it's not an auto-win button and skill is still a deciding factor
    Sorry for splitting it like this, 420 characters limit sucks :blobpensive:
    ive been told that I’m not allowed to say anything to you know who in the you know what thread, and I gotta say lmao TYSM. sick of them
    Quick question about the metagame thread- Am I allowed to talk about my thoughts on a Pokémon and if I think it is broken or not? I want to talk about Greninja and my thoughts on it, but I wanted to check with someone familiar with the thread first.
    I mean, a suspect is inevitable. I want to mostly talk about how while it can dish out a lot, it is extremely fragile.
    Of Moose & Men
    Of Moose & Men
    Well, then yea, I wouldn't go into that. It is a general meta thread. I wouldn't talk about sole Pokemon. I doubt it'd be removed or anything, but it does sort of go off topic. That thread is more so for meta trends.
    Of Moose & Men
    Of Moose & Men
    Erm, if you were to talk about sole mons, it's usually about the changes they're making. Or how overbearing they are.
    team coming soon. been in an activity and teambuilding rut which is why its taken so long. sorry for the wait
    Of Moose & Men
    Of Moose & Men
    No worries boss, lol, take as long as you want. I'm in no rush.
    js u know i asked for boltbeam medi the page right before that lol
    Of Moose & Men
    Of Moose & Men
    Did anyone accept it? I was more so giving Jacob a heads up if he's planning on using manaphy it may look really similar to whatever Clone comes up with.
    no lol
    hey friend :]
    yeah lol, just saw you popping up in ou forums a bit recently
    Of Moose & Men
    Of Moose & Men
    Let, yeah, I've been somewhat active lately. Still don't take this game seriously anymore but I do mess around from time to time. I still hang out on PS just under a new name, Oxenfree. I've seen you a couple times and tried to HL you but never got a response lol.
    oh ok lol
    I have no idea who that character is because I'm dodging Fates spoilers. Is she good? Does she give good classes? SHOULD I MARRY HER?!
    I know that much about classes. Just wanted to know what marrying / befriending her offered.
    Of Moose & Men
    Of Moose & Men
    She passes down Sorcerer and Dark Knight. So, you can't go wrong with that.
    Sorcerer. Yum. Shame the only dark tome is Nosferatu and that IT'S BEEN NERFED STUPIDLY. Like, I get it needed the nerf, but NO doubling at all?! Too much. You turn it from amazing to shit rather than too good to ok, which is what should of happened. Sigh.

    Tag ain't borked 'cause Wobb ain't borked.

    Ban Goth
    Of Moose & Men
    Of Moose & Men
    Doesn't need to be "borked" just needs to be noncompetitive. Which it is.
    he's back, back again!
    Of Moose & Men
    Of Moose & Men
    Lol, eh, not really. Just felt inclined to give my opinion on Mega Bro. Though, with this upcoming Nintedo Direct, depending on the information, it may be a possibility.
    stop ruining my life :p
    Why does no one like wob ;~;
    like it's never discussed but it gets 2-3 kills almost every game if you play it right.
    Of Moose & Men
    Of Moose & Men
    Lol, idk, I try to get conversations going, but no one acknowledges it. It's pretty annoying.
    Yeah, ive nommed it 2-3 times, and no one wanted to disccuss it
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