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  • we play for bdpl , +5.5 , free all day tomorrow and even today , let me know when
    adv cup. would prefer a weekday maybe noon-3pm on thursday/friday -4
    take the win
    Good morning/afternoon/evening! WCup Qualys, I can pretty much any day on my afternoon/night and only wednesday and tuesday at the morning. I would like to play before 14th because it's mother's day, I'm GMT -5.
    Hey we play for wcop qualifiers, im gmt-4 and my discord is Vileman#8231 in case you can contact me there.
    Pretty much any day works for me. Any preferences in days/times?
    Hi we play for wcop, i am gmt+3. I can play whenever but before the 10th of May bc i will be in vacation until the 14th. Let me know when
    Mysterious M
    Mysterious M
    Never mind it is fixed, lets play tomorrow as scheduled. 7pm works see you then
    sure, but if you want to play on another date i'm fine with that too, since deadline got extended.
    Mysterious M
    Mysterious M
    Nah tuesday lets get it done today
    Hello, I saw you sign up for WCoP 2022 on behalf of Bangladesh. Can I join your team?
    Yo, we're paired for the OU tournament, I'm in GMT-6. I do work third shift starting at 8pm sun-thu but can otherwise make things work just about any afternoon and have more freedom on days off.
    yo we gotta play for wcop. gmt+2 can you play saturday morning? like 9am my time? generally mornings my time work best but i'd rather not play before weekend cause this week is busy for me.
    Saturday morning won't work with me and i prefer sat or sun too. Any other time?
    sunday morning? (7-9am gmt+2)
    yea thats fine. 9am your time sounds good
    Hi we're paired for OST r2, I'm GMT+1, I'm free to play from 1PM to 1AM during the week.
    im online now
    hey we have to play for ubers open. i'm on gmt-3 and should be available to play every day from 12:00pm until 2:00am (except thursday because i'll be on surgery). let me know what works for you.
    Hi. We need to play for UU Open R1. I'm GMT+3, usually available 7PM-11PM my time, I'd prefer to play this weekend (July 14-16), mainly because I won't be able to play July 22-23.
    Dude totally forgot about lc ssnl, I'll be on the entire day today hit me up on smogon if you see me. Username is BadBadNotFood
    hey dude we're playing for lc ssnl I'm gmt -4
    I'm pretty flexible on times this week, but I cannot do Monday or Wednesday and I'd prefer to not play before 10 AM or after 10 PM my time. lmk your availability
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