Pallas Athena
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  • FYI you don't need to specify the action that you mega evolve; mega evolution always occurs on action 0.
    In Ooraloo's Ice Gym challenge, Jynx should have R6 SpA due to her 17 BRT. Meaning Eruption from R1 should've done a bit more and her Dream Eater this round should have done more.
    Hey, are you still interested in challenging my gym? Just wondering so I can either accept your challenge or move it out.
    did you get both teams for ooraloo's ice gym challenge?
    Pallas Athena
    Pallas Athena
    Yup! Got hers yesterday and plan to put it up tonight. Sorry. Busy week.

    I am gonna kill her.
    Pallas Athena
    Pallas Athena
    Wait. I was wrong. It was Tuesday.
    unless im dumb, in ice gym, mollux takes x4 damage from drill run combo dealing 60.75 damage
    I lead pyroak (best matchup you're likely to get, avoids his kiss) and togekiss (super effective spread, can help disrupt mime's support with encore et al) if i'm you (kit is your best matchup against his kiss, gallade against conk)
    Interested in covering my ass and replacing stratos as my/smash doubles player in the team tournament? No one has expressed interest yet and now that r1 is done it's the mosit pressing need.

    We have an irc channel that's basically "here's my orders, where am I being dumb" if you're in
    Pallas Athena
    Pallas Athena
    Forewarning: I have very little recent doubles experience. Otherwise, I'm absolutely willing to cover.
    Texas Cloverleaf
    Texas Cloverleaf
    Hop on irc and we'll see about getting you set up
    You will probably be repicked as Bug Gym Leader, but before that I need to ask: Can we trust you to keep things active for the close future? Not asking for a long-term commitment, but I need to know if I'll need to rerun the qualifiers again like this year still.
    Pallas Athena
    Pallas Athena

    The bulk of the complication that made me quit last time is done. I will have a rough month in Aprils due to finals, projects and work but after that I will be, at minimum, as active as I was during the qualifier.
    Pallas Athena
    Pallas Athena
    And even during April I could probably make deadlines.
    We can work with that
    Hey =)
    Just in case you didn't get the alert or something, I'm your ref for Bug quals. So, send in when you're ready I guess
    Pallas Athena
    Pallas Athena
    Sorry. Health emergency over the weekend. Will send in team later.
    No worries, just wanted to make sure you knew. Hope you get better =)
    Did you ever send your team to Birkal wrt LLAMA? I have had no response from him so if you have, add me to the conversation so I can take over if he does not post the OP soon enough and your opponent has sent his team.
    Rolled new numbers and edited the round. Sorry, forgot multi-hit moves did that.
    Uhm, I'm a little confused, there was nothing to order against for Kangaskhan.
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