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  • hi. we are paired for wcop. i can battle whenever, i'm gmt-5 on weekdays and flexible weekend
    Hi*we must play for the meta tweaks's third round.
    I'm GMT +2 and I can play friday from 2 PM to 6 PM my time, and sturdy and sunday from 10 AM until 7 PM.
    When can u play ?
    It's really amazing how we get matched up so often...when do you wanna play for upl?
    I can play whenever tonight just pm me on irc i see you are on right now, i have to go eat dinner atm but i will be available in 20-30
    i'm on irc, if im idle just wait a few minutes after pming me, i always respond to pms and flashes, i've responded to yours but youve left very soon after sending them

    ill be on all tonight
    yo, what's your irc/po chan for the powc so we can talk times and stuff for our players to battle. Team Canada on PO main or #canada on irc is where you can find me.
    that's fine, we can play whenever we see each other I guess

    and yeah I understand this has been frustrating, but we'll get it done soon n_n
    Hi !
    Yesterday we talked about playing now, I'm on grotto as Vincent. Come whenever you see this VM
    Hey, please tell me when you're available to play for the Pound-for-Pound Tour as well as your GMT. This will help us determine a good time to play. I'm available after my school ends on Friday (which is somewhere around 4:00 P.M. GMT -7). I have tests tomorrow and Friday. Sorry, and thanks for understanding!
    my afternoon was like before 6pm gmt +2. hm, i'll try and make it somewhere, but no guarantees. if i can't play (which i probably can't 10pm onwards) then just take the win. shame the extension wasn't until friday lol
    i can try tonight and tomorrow, i'll just need a specific timeframe cause it means i have to go find internet with po/ps access somewhere

    edit: turns out i can't do tonight, but i have a day off tomorrow as well, but i'd rather get it done during my afternoon if that's ok with you. either way let me know
    I likely won't make the battle later today, so if you or Jayde could save the logs for the battles and PM them to me, that would be great.
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