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Hi, we've been paired for the Randoms Trial tour.
My timezone is GMT+1 usually around weekdays in the evening + weekends
Let me know when you're available
Hi, we're matched up for R1 of the VGC tourney. I'm in EST and available to play anytime after 17:00 until the deadline. Let me know when works best for you!
Hi I'm GMT +1 (UK but daylight saving time) I can play any time throughout the day between like 8am-9pm my time, and 8am-11pm on fri/sat (the end times my laptop shuts off cos of shitty parental controls). When are you available?
hello, i'm up vs you for xy team tour. i can fight this weekend, but i would prefer fighting next weekend because i'm on holidays :> (gmt +1; u can find me on the french smogon room or french time, during the evenings at my times)