He uses VBA, R4 and a few other things not everyone finds legit, but he's a good kid. It's like every "hacker" in the book gets a second chance (Inevitable for example, who hacked some 'mons and put them on a trade thread, then removed them after being busted with illegal spreads and a overly amazing Raikou and XD Zapdos), except for Viletung, who un-excusably posted hacked 'mons that he didn't plan on trading, and is now blacklisted forever.
So yeah, basically everyone missed their chance (sorry, I'm rather busy IRL) for the legendary dogs, because *a mod* had the power to just add Viletung to the blacklist with out any proof, even though he never scammed a single person other then myself, by mistake, with his nephew's charmander.
Anyways, I'm rather sick of this game (and busy with other things), so expect to see less of me. Later everyone. Oh also, my rambling is too crazy for one message, I hope it's okay to use three.