Poke aura burst$-&

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  • Hey can we play as soon as possible today or tomorrow? Idk if I'll be able to play any other time. I'm GMT -7
    Poke aura burst$-&
    Poke aura burst$-&
    Gmt+5 11:17 here right now whenever you like as I'm on holidays
    You want to play today?
    We play for Ubers Summer Seasonal. I'm GMT +2, I'd like to get this match done as soon as possible, but I'm on vacation this week so I'm not sure when exactly when I'll be able to play. Just let me know when are you free so I know how to organize my schedule.
    That was my 6 AM when you sent that message. We can ask for extension because I'll be able to actually schedule next week. I'll be free for the next 4 hours so let me know when you're free.
    I see you don't know how scheduling works alright. This is how it's done. We both agree on a day and time when we decide to show up and battle. You still didn't tell me when you would like to battle. We need an exact time. I've asked you this multiple times please let's just start by telling me when you're free in your day to battle.
    Poke aura burst$-&
    Poke aura burst$-&
    The time this is being posted is the time I'm free so I would like to battle this time otherwise you can tell me when you are free then we will battle on the decided time
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