Teammates & Counters (cont.)
• If you run HP Rock: Only 3 Pokemon resist the combination of Fire/Bug/Rock: Kerudio, Poliwrath, and Terakion. Make sure you have something to counter them (Flying and/or Psychic types).
• HP Ground on the other hand will leave you open to a great deal more threats: Archeos, Aerodactyl, Moltres, Charizard, Gyarados, Salamence, and Dragonite, in addition to some lesser-used Pokemon with those typings; be sure you pack a good Rock-STAB user to clobber them with.
• Hard hitting physical attackers will not break this set as easily without super-effective STAB, however no amount of defensive EVing will protect it from Rock attacks.
• Given the amount of boosting being done and the lack of initial speed compared to the straightforward sweeper set, this set can be a magnet to phazers.
sorry about all the posts... stupid 1000 character limit