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  • sorry, but i've got exams during this week so would you be able to play on saturday?><
    When would you like to battle for the Nonagon Tournament :\? I'm from Sydney (EST)
    sorry but I couldn't help but see your predicament regarding the tourney, you can most likely find august on irc on the channel #stark, I see him there on a daily basis so it shouldnt be too hard to find him
    If you are able to battle today then I will allow it, but this is the last chance.
    RB Golbat made me the winner of the battle. I have nothing against battling you if everything is alright with him.
    so TV im your opponent. what time do you wish to fight?
    so far plans are thursday 300 GMT (wedsday 7pm PST/ 10pm EST) any concerns?
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