pp's splash town
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  • hi, we play for gscpl. wanna play on sat or sund? im gmt-3 i can do it after 5pm
    pp's splash town
    pp's splash town
    hi I'm gmt-7. can you do saturday at 5:30pm your time?
    that works, yeh
    When for GSC ZU Slam, I'm GMT-4, lmk when you'd be available to play
    I can also play rn actually, and if so, want to go on showdown or smog tours
    pp's splash town
    pp's splash town
    I'll hop on smogtours. username is same as here
    My wifi suddenly started acting funny, might need a few minutes to boot up wifi again
    we just got matched for gsc nu grand slam, when do you wanna play? My time is pdt and my best days are tuesdays, thursday, fridays, and weekends
    When would you like to play for GSC Ubers, I’m -5, I’m more available in the evenings.
    pp's splash town
    pp's splash town
    ok good. I might be a few minutes late, but I'll try my best to be on time
    No worries, I’ll be available for the rest of the night so I’ll have some time to wait if you’re not there.
    On main as Concept Everything
    ALT PL -6, when are you gonna be available. I'm free most nights after 8pm -6
    pp's splash town
    pp's splash town
    I'm -5. I can do Thursday night between 8 and 10pm my time or anytime between 11am and 10pm on Saturday/Sunday.
    Thursday 9pm?
    pp's splash town
    pp's splash town
    Yeah I can do that. I'll be on smogtours. See you then.
    hey gsc uu spotlight tour. we're both gmt-5 i prefer after 8pm if possible i already have teams so i can do any day this week i see u often anyways
    Hi, we're paired for ADV Cup Round 3. I'm GMT-5 and usually free after 12 PM until 2 AM. I am not available on Friday from 12 PM - 3 PM. Let me know what works for you and have a nice day!
    pp's splash town
    pp's splash town
    Hello! I'm GMT-4 so it should be pretty easy to figure out a suitable time for both of us. I'm pretty busy this week up until Thursday, so that day works best for me. Does 2pm your time on Thursday work well for you?
    That sounds great. See you then and take care!
    I'll be on the main server under Team Pokepals
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