Primal Bidoof
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  • when play for sweet 16 GMT+1 am evenings/weekends
    Primal Bidoof
    Primal Bidoof
    im gmt -4 im available same times maybe tmrw at 8? cant play today but we both in good saturdays tag me @im two savage to right my name if you wanna play and by any chances i may be on
    hey man we're opps for the equal opportunity tour, I'm gmt -4 and can play most freely during weekends, but we can make a weekday time happen if that better suits you
    the equal opportunity tour when? gmt +2
    it's not my fault if you don't know your gmt (that is -4, not +4). Still you missed scheduling time two times, so when do you wanna play?
    Primal Bidoof
    Primal Bidoof
    I would have to play at 4:30 or 5 at my time, since now that the weekend is up i have pretty much no time
    I've just contacted you on ps
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