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  • I seriously didnt mean to sound as much of an ass as I just made myself.
    Anywho we need another 90 posts by the end of the day :/
    I cut it down by nearly a hundred, so I am tired of spamming...I leave the rest to you.
    Well I did say he could spam BUMP (which I dont see as much of an issue) in every thread, and spam in the spam rooms.
    I dont see the issue.
    Besides, not meaning to sound like an ass, but I am the leader of Team Magma, you're just the caretaker.
    (Still sounded like an ass, didnt I?)
    Hey PS, why don't you have AS in the NSSM? It'll be a fun way to advertise and track your AS's activity. (oh, and I'm going to make so you don't have to track anything)
    i was told to collect you for a meeting with my leader.....will you attend?
    pippy suggested you to join my group. you have been invited to join the 17 sword holders.
    It's weird, I know.
    But it's actually really safe here, don't get me wrong :)
    Safer than most places anyways.
    I remember in Grade 4 we had a sweaty teacher who would have us sing songs for whole periods in French...
    Then someone tried to murder her (according to her) ...
    You'll be absolutely fine with just English haha

    Tbh I hated French until I learned some advanced stuff, then I quit learning
    Prof you're learning French? [sorry I was posting a VM for Don and I noticed]
    Cool! Come to Canada one day then! (Although we speak majority English, which you know already)

    If you need any extra help w/ French let me know, I am decent
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