Professor Shuckle

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  • Hello again Prof, its me the Dr. We are paired up for usum draft. Do you have a preference on when to play? My TZ is -4.
    we are paired for ssnl r2 im -4 was hoping to play saturday evening ill be pretty busy the middle part of the week. Let me know if or when is good for you
    P is For Penguin
    P is For Penguin
    I guess will aim for tomorrow night since I never got a reply you can reach out to me on discord if its easier for you pisforpenguin
    Professor Shuckle
    Professor Shuckle
    You replied very late at night. I am out tonight to watch football. So it has to be sometime between 1 pm and 5 pm for our game.
    Professor Shuckle
    Professor Shuckle
    Could you please pick a time? Thanks
    Hello, we air paired up for ORAS Draft R4. My TZ is -4. When are you free to battle this week? I am unavailable both Friday and Saturday due to travel.
    Professor Shuckle
    Professor Shuckle
    Hey, my timezone is EDT (GMT -4). I am free either tonight, or on Sunday. I am unavailable Tuesday-Friday due to a work trip! Can ask for an extension if needed.
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