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  • Yo what up, we play for teal mask trios
    I’m gmt-5, pretty flexible this week but would prefer after 10 PM
    Yo I’m not available at All on Sunday, so hopefully you see This and can play on Saturday
    I’ll be free before 10 AM, you’ll have to ask me for a specific time in the afternoon if you wanna play then so I can plan around it, or I’m free after 9 PM
    hey we play for usum draft, gmt+5.5 here, cannot do weekend. can do most times 9am-11pm my time on wed/thu/fri. Whens good?
    damn, almost didn't see this. I can do this evening from around 7pm GMT+2

    Can we write on discord? I don't use the forum much, my ID is Link#9212
    Dj Breloominati♬
    Dj Breloominati♬
    cant do then because i have other games scheduled, lets do 6:30pm gmt+2 or after my games (i have games scheduled at 7pm,7:30pm and 8pm gmt+2)
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