Recent content by Radnortuws

  1. Most Generation PRNG Help / Information

    The short version is that spreads happen multiple times over the course of an hour. If it is one minute later, and your DS clock's seconds when you press continue is one earlier than before, you get the same seed you got last time if you have a consistent delay. It's very possible you got the...
  2. Most Generation PRNG Help / Information

    Ok, I'm closing in on understanding all the shenanigans behind PRNG abuse and all. The last piece of the puzzle is a program (since by hand this would be ridiculous) that could quickly blast through the 16^4 possiblities to construct the seed that leads to a PID, which I'm sure you're already...
  3. Most Generation PRNG Help / Information

    That is actually helpful, I had noticed some of those trends but I'm glad now I didn't take the time to document them since you already knew them. Alas though, that's not exactly what I'm interested in right now... I've got down finding a seed, and then using it to generate the PID/IVs of the...
  4. Most Generation PRNG Help / Information

    Exactly. What delays have you been getting, and do you usually press A very quickly until you get through the continue screen, or do you take your time? Edit: The master has stepped in. I'll go back to fiddling with figuring out how the crap you can find where a seed places you on the PRNG...
  5. Most Generation PRNG Help / Information

    Mingot has updated the program since then to exclude many of the seeds that are unlikely for people that start the game quickly. Its makes it easier to use, so what you see is usually the right one.
  6. Most Generation PRNG Help / Information

    Make sure your year, month, date, hour and minute are right. Your ID and SID have no effect on how the seed finder itself works. If all your time information is correct, you're either waiting way to long in the title and continue screens (over a minute is too long), or you're putting in the...
  7. Most Generation PRNG Help / Information

    It means that if you are breeding, that stat is inherited from either the first parent (A) or the second parent (B) that you have in the daycare. Parent A is the one who's name is said first if you ask the guy about your pokemon.
  8. Most Generation PRNG Help / Information

    12.5%. All starters have that gender distribution. The number represents the female gender percentage, so if it has a 75% chance of being female, the 75 column will tell you its gender for that spread.
  9. Most Generation PRNG Help / Information

    Score one for the continue screen theory. Yeah, that's probably not it, but it's worked for me. Oh, and I tried with Ranch to make another option pop up, but the DS doesn't have enough time to get the Wii signal while I tap, so that was a no-go on the test. Either way, practically having a...
  10. Most Generation PRNG Help / Information

    E=even numbers O=odd numbers HP=hidden power numbers, i.e. numbers that raise the base power of HP HP_E=even hidden power numbers HP_O=odd hidden power numbers I'm pretty sure that's right, if Mingot says otherwise go with him but this seems to be the intuitive answer.
  11. Most Generation PRNG Help / Information

    I suck, I meant delay and the whole even/odd thing.
  12. Most Generation PRNG Help / Information

    Muna, I use that all the time to get a parent of the right gender/nature if I need it, and since I don't have my SID I use it to ignore everstones entirely. Most common mistake is forgetting to put it on the Egg ID option, that's how I was messing up my natures. Other possible mistake was not...
  13. Most Generation PRNG Help / Information

    Testing so far is promising, but more people trying it would be good. I'll also try with Pokemon Ranch broadcasting a Connect to Wii signal and see if that follows the trends I'm seeing. This makes a little more sense than most other theories, although I have no clue why it would work this way.
  14. Most Generation PRNG Help / Information

    I use nothing, so I have been mixing it up between hard and soft resets. I did 15-20 hard resets when I was stuck on odds, and they all came out odd, so it's not a sure thing. This is interesting, I'll recheck and make sure my delays are still the same now. Edit: All my results are coming out...
  15. Most Generation PRNG Help / Information

    I would say 27 for seconds, but it's a rough call. Try adjusting when you reset so you always hit continue on 27. For offset, 4 or 5 is a wash, whichever one has the spread you want. They both look good. Edit: Final post for the night. I believe I have found a (if not the) primary factor in...