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  • Welcome to the Forums! n_n
    Dr Ciel
    Perhaps it's all the competitiveness in the air. :o

    Also, here's your first follower.
    I actually had a question. I am trying to build my first competitive team, but I really don't have any foundation or what I should be aiming for when it comes down to picking Pokemon. I have a few that I am pretty sure will work well together (Blastoise@Blastoisinite, Aegislash, Talonflame and Klefki), but I am pretty lost lol Where would I go to find guidance?
    Dr Ciel
    I'm pretty experienced in XY OU (By that, I mean I watched a lot of battles & picked up a lot.) My best advice would to be go with trial & error, trying out several different things until you get a final product that looks good.
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