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  • snake, does friday evening work for u?
    Hikari asked for formal scheduling so
    To: reiku, Mr. Bro Kappa
    cc: @Hikari, @get backer

    This message is to confirm scheduling between users Bro Kappa and reiku.

    I am very sorry to hear that reiku was unable to make the agreed-upon time (see reiku's wall for more details). I hope everything is well and that reiku is not in ill health. Mr. Bro Kappa did put in his best effort to make this time work, including staying on well past the agreed end time of 9:30 PM time (and in fact waiting until well after 11 PM GMT +2), but I understand that sometimes life gets in the way.

    I do know that Mr. Bro Kappa has limited availability for the remaining week, between school, extracurricular activities and his other scheduled Snake Tour games. However, in addition to Mr. Kappa's initially proposed time of Friday September 15, and the Wednesday September 20 time that both Mr. Kappa and reiku agreed upon, I have been informed that Mr. Kappa can also be available on Sunday, September 24 from 6 PM to 7 PM (all times GMT+2). However, we would appreciate advance notice if this time is possible for reiku so that Mr. Kappa can properly schedule. If reiku cannot make this time, please also let us know as soon as possible.
    I believe Mr. Kappa (and, by extension, the Victory Road Rattlers) have established good faith efforts in attempting to both schedule and play the required games, despite any initial hiccoughs. I'm looking forward to a great game.


    Mr. Stringer "Hogg" Bellsprout, Esq.
    Resident Agent, Victory Road Rattlers Inc. (incorporated in the States of Maryland and Florida, international status pending)
    Yo does sometime in the Wednesday afternoon work for you?
    ugh damn, i dont think i can play at that time cuz eating with family plus birthday, I can play tomorrow evening as well or just wednesday night, your choice
    Tomorrow is fine (9/10 pm?), lets have wed night as backup tho
    yeah sounds perfect
    When do you want to play for world cup? I would prefer to play during the last week if that is possible but i am open to suggestions about time and day. I am +3 gmt
    Hey bro. Do you want to battle for wcop on Sunday 18th at 8:45pm GMT+1?
    yo fuck, im actually gmt+2 and i didnt know it rofl, i dont think i can play at that time cause i usually dinner with my family at that time, can we play one hour before/later?
    1 True Lycan
    1 True Lycan
    Oh lmao, let's go for 1 hour earlier then
    thanks dude and sorry lol
    Yo when can you play for SPL? I'm GMT-5 and I'm free in the weekends, I prefer Saturday sometime in my afternoon/evening, Sunday can also work but I will be busier that day and am unavailable from 3:30 - 7 pm my time, and not completely sure about availability on other times. Saturday would be best.
    SPL, I'm gmt -5, i cannot play on thursday or friday/saturday nights cuz i work and i also can't play sunday
    yes, 5 pm your time, thanks dude apreciate it
    something bad happened, im sorry but i'd like to play tomorrow at same time we said for today (5pm your time) im sorry but i cant do much about it
    Hi, when can we play our vgc tourney match? I can play pretty much any time today.
    we're paired for SPL week 1.
    when do you want to play? i'm gmt -2 and i can play at pretty much any time and day except the weekend and i'd like to avoid playing on friday.
    have a nice day
    Destiny Device
    Destiny Device
    i'm going to travel on the weekend (i'll be back on monday) and i'm leaving on friday night.
    i can get on earlier, however. what time would be good for you?
    Any time on friday is good for me, pick what you want
    Destiny Device
    Destiny Device
    how does friday 3pm gmt -2 sound for you?
    Posting here as well, are you free to play our match on saturday or sunday?
    hot damn dude, sick retain

    hope to see u do well this year
    Thanks bro :) I'll do my best!!
    We play for Smogon Superstars. I'm GMT +2, and can play most days on the evening my time. Any specific days that work for you?
    take it, im out
    hey, we have to play for superstars, I'm gmt +2, just lmk when you're available
    take it frend im out from mons till spl :)
    finally back from worlds and i can play for SS with a fairly open schedule as long as you tell me when you are free to play. gmt -7 so just lmk when you can play.
    hey, im on vacations and I prefer to play in my night around 10:30-00 pm if you can, I'll be on smogtours some nights when i can get acces to my pc
    kk ill try to idle around those times
    Hey bro

    When do u wanna play for superstars?
    hi friend, some night around 10:30-00 pm my time if you can, i dont have some much time cause im on vacation rn :[
    Eternal Spirit
    Eternal Spirit
    Probby wednesday this time works for me, saturday too. Send me msg if u be on one of these days :)
    When can u play for superstars, i prefer we pay anyday other than the weekend. I gmt -4
    hi sorry for answering so late but im on vacations and i dont have so much time, I'll try to be on in smogtours around 10:30-00 pm my time gmt +2
    Are you talkin about tomorrow?
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