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  • I was surprised that he survived that as well as my hitmontop with explosion. It was good. Why no Mach Punch at the end?
    I did for the first time today...and then faced an OU team with my team and
    i've been happy so far :). It's a good change of pace. I'm having fun so far, something that was starting to be missing in OU.
    I'm so stupid, I picked the wrong Spiritomb...
    The shiny one has a set different than I wanted.

    Anyways, GG.
    Yeah, I've already noticed that... I already added your new FC.

    Mine is the same FC, but I'll use a different team. See u there.
    not right now gonna eat lets battle later hopefully ill give you a real battle
    the stealth rock was enough for you to get my ninetales and your life orb would be the finishing touches to get rid of me
    but awesome match still never expected your torkoal to have explosion totally surprised me
    awesome battles i couldnt get any of my strategys in but i wished you would've ended the first match with your espeon instead of dragging out my defeat. im an honorable fighter who likes to go down with some decency
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