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  • Hi, sorry about the mix up earlier, I am online now if you are available to play?
    Yes, I am! I'll go ahead and send you the challenge.
    Ok, online now, NateVGC
    good luck!
    gg, and good luck in the rest of the tournament to you too!
    Hey, online now on PS, my username is NateVGC
    Hi, I'm online now and will be on Showdown under Crit Me Daddy for awhile tonight. I'm sorry if I missed you earlier today I thought the time was 6pm CST.
    If you are online tomorrow (Sunday) morning, I'll probably be online for a while and I'll be sure to check smogon. My showdown username is NateVGC
    Hello, you are right about my time zone! Sorry for not being able to get back to you in time.

    6pm on Tuesday would be a good time for me to battle this week but if that doesn't work out tomorrow, Monday, at 10am always works.
    Ok I'll see you at 6pm on Tuesday!
    Hi, we've been paired for the VGC17 tournament. My time zone is GMT0.

    Am I right that your time zone is GMT-6? If that is the case then the perfect time would be between 5-6pm for you, any day Monday-Thursday
    Let me know if this is not possible and we'll find a time, Tuesdays are probably my most flexible,
    I am also free to play between 10am-1pm everyday this week
    What times are you available this week to do our VGC17 tournament battles? It would probably be easier for me to match your schedule since my schedule is all over the place.
    When you get on later just check to see if I am on showdown by sending me a message on the account with this name. If I am online and don't respond then I probably fell asleep with the computer on.
    I'm sorry I couldn't make it on tonight. Work got out of hand. I'd assume you'd rather not battle at 1 am so I'll be on all night after 7pm tomorrow. If you're able to battle then I'll make sure to be ready. Sorry again about today.
    Hi, I'm on now so if you can battle tonight I'll be here for the rest of the night. I'll be using the username crit me daddy on showdown.
    Hello we gotta battle for the VGC'14 Minitour. I'm gmt +8, I'm free this Friday night, Saturday not morning and Sunday not night my time. Let me know which is best for you.
    Hey, you won a Marill in the POTW giveaway! My fc is 0259 - 0773 - 7016 and my IGN is Justin. Can you give me your FC/IGN and a definite time period where you'll be on? A specific date / time to meet online would be even better. Thanks!
    Hi! Tomorrow around 6:30 is best for me if that works for you. If you can't make that any day this week after 7 should work for me. Thanks! FC: 5026-4421-7593 IGN: Rodolfo
    I may/may not be home from classes at that time, if not would Wednesday at 7 work for you?
    Yeah that works.
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